Security alarm systems

We implement security alarm systems in public and industrial buildings, hotels, offices, etc.

We offer complete range of services for implementation of security alarm systems.We install security systems in public and industrial buildings, hotels, offices, etc. Our engineers are qualified and certified and have long professional experience.

We work on a long term basis with well-known suppliers of security control panels, sensors, detectors, contact switches, components and accessories. In addition Lema Trading has a License for private security activity with national coverage issued by General Police Directorate to the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria.

We offer the following services concerning implementation of security alarm systems:

  • Consultations - preparation of technical requirements and bid documentation for installation of new security alarm systems as well as for upgrade of existing ones.
  • Design - We design using architectural drawings provided by the customer. We design the systems guided by the principles of flexibility, modularity, expandability, reliability, easy operation and maintenance.
  • Implementation- We deliver all necessary components and materials, install and configure the systems.
  • Training - We train the customer’s personnel to operate with the implemented systems.
  • Technical maintenance and service – warranty and after-warranty service of the implemented systems.