Lema Trading Ltd. was established in 1998. The company is specialized in the sphere of telecommunications services and engineering. Lema Trading offers complete solutions in the field of Electronic Security Systems, Structured Cabling Systems, Wireless and Satellite Communications, Local Area Networks and Networks Integration. Since 2012 Lema Trading extended its business with a new range of services: design and installation of Lightning and Surge Protection Systems and Earthing.
The company has been inscribed into the Central Professional Register of Builders to the Bulgarian Construction Chamber for implementation of construction projects classified in First Group - from Third to Fifth Category, according to Art.5, Par. 6 of the Regulations on the Order of Entry and Keeping of the Central Professional Register of Builders and for implementation of construction sites classified in Fifth Group - single Construction and Assembly Works - CAW, according to position 45 "Construction" of the National Economic Activities Classification - NEAC.
Lema Trading was granted a SECRET and NATO SECRET Security Clearance Certificates. The company has certified Registry for storage and processing of information classified up to and including SECRET and NATO SECRET.
Lema Trading Ltd. has the right to perform maintenance activities and service of fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, smoke and heat control systems, and fire hydrants within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria under Permit Reg. № 768 dated on 07.08.2017 and issued by the Chief Directorate "Fire Safety and Civil Protection" to the Ministry of Interior.
Lema Trading has a License No. 789/28.03.2006 for private security activity with national coverage issued by General Police Directorate to the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Bulgaria. The License entitles Lema Trading to design and implement electronic security systems at the territory of Bulgaria.
Management system
The Management System of Lema Trading Ltd. was certified as meeting the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 27001 for the following scope of activities: Engineering, System Integration, Delivery and Installation of Satellite, Wireless and Ground Telecommunication Systems, Local Area Networks, Electronic Security Systems, Lightning and Surge Protection Systems, Earthing, Structural Cabling Systems.
Moreover the Quality Management System of Lema Trading Ltd. was certified by Ministry of Defence of Republic of Bulgaria for compliance with Allied Quality Assurance Publication AQAP 2110.
Lema Trading Ltd. has been authorized by Reichle & De-Massari, Switzerland and MMC – Multimedia Connect (France) for design, implementation, testing and certification of structured cabling system. Lema Trading is an exclusive distributor in Bulgaria of encryption products of Swedish company SECTRA Communications AB.
The company is a corporate member of:
- Bulgarian Telecommunications Cluster: www.btcluster.org/en
- Association Telecommunications (ASTEL)
- National Branch Association “Fire And Emergency Safety”
- Association of Communication and Information Experts
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)
- State and public institutions
- Corporate customers
- Hospitals
- Scientific and educational institutions
- Banking and financial institutions
- Hotels